Well This Is Different!
While this might be a bit unconventional, it is something that I have some experience in doing. We also operate the largest scuba diving operation on the island, St. Croix Ultimate Bluewater Adventures (SCUBA).
Back in 2003 we helped put together an underwater wedding that set a Guiness World Record for the largest ever held. (We had 106 divers underwater at the same time--only one couple were getting married).
Typically the vows are printed out on laminated sheets and I run my finger along the text just as if I were reading it. The couple then each runs their finger along the text also as if they were reading it aloud.
While this doesn't require that the participants are certified scuba divers it certainly helps. If there's someone in your wedding party who is not they can participate in a Discover Scuba Diving experience and attend the wedding.
Check out this video that was shot for a Travel Channel story on underwater weddings.