Aboard a
certainly makes for a picturesque wedding ceremony.
Just Because It's "Standard" Doesn't Mean It Won't Be Special.
Of course standard weddings are the most popular (especially when compared to underwater weddings).
Whether your wedding party will be just the two of you (we need two witnesses but we can always find some), or a very large group you'll find a beautiful venue on St. Croix for it.
BEACHFRONT WEDDINGS are the most popular of course and there are a LOT of beautiful beaches surrounding St. Croix.

SCENIC OVERLOOK. There's a LOT of them around the island with the Millennium Monument at Point Udall (the easternmost point in the U.S.) being one of the top ones.
Your VILLA or HOTEL. There are many many beautiful hotels and villas scattered around the island that all make incredible venues for a wedding.
BOTANICAL GARDENS make a gorgeous venue for a wedding and St. Croix has the St. George Village Botanical Gardens which is a great place for your ceremony.